One of the biggest dilemmas while planning a trip is deciding how much cash to carry along and in what form. Here are a few easy ways ahead:
Hard Cash
Cash might be the easiest option for many travellers who don’t want their credit and debit cards in the wrong hands. Spreading bundles of money in various corners of your luggage could be useful in case you lose only your wallet, but you’ll be left in a fix if your suitcases go missing. Also since you can only carry a certain amount of cash while you travel, this medium of currency is a little disabling.
Credit Cards
Credit cards by internationally recognised banks can be a traveller’s best companion when it comes to booking flights, hotel rooms, activities and even paying for meals at restaurants. Exchange rates for credit card purchases are some of the best available. Remember to check international charges for use, according to the country you are travelling to. Most credit card issuers charge 1 per cent from Visa or MasterCard along with 1-2 per cent for themselves.
Debit And ATM Cards
If you don’t like the percentages doled on credit then debit cards are the next plastic pal. However, they still come with some fees of their own. ATM cards reduce the amount of hard cash in your wallet, making it financially safer while travelling. Check on the availability of ATM machines in the place of travel to prevent getting strapped for cash.
Traveller’s Cheques And Cards
Traveller’s cheques are a safer option to cash as they can be replaced within 24 hours of being lost or stolen. A new set of prepaid travel cards by Visa work the same way as the cheques but charge fees similar to credit cards.
12 Apr 2012
Travel smart: How much cash one should carry and in what form
Posted on April 13, 2012