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The benefits of choosing to work in Australia

Posted on September 24, 2015
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Work benefit in Australia1


Working in Australia can be a boon. There are multiple reasons to support this statement. To start with, the working hours in the country are not more than 38 hours per week. In addition to this, they also have a leave of four weeks every year. Working as backpackers can be very beneficial to someone who is interested. Backpackers are allowed to work for a period of 12 months.

You must know…

If you want to work for longer you can apply through Skill Select. Working Holiday makers must have a White Card to be eligible for this along with a day of safety training. Anyone willing to work at the bar or serve drinks must acquire RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) training. There are some specific websites to find such suitable jobs.

These include Gumtree, Backpacker Jobs and Seek. Anyone looking at extending their Working Holiday Visa must have a 3 month seasonal job in hand. To find the best seasonal job in Australia, visit Gumtree website. You must remember not to make any upfront payment as a deposit. Only those people who are between 18-30 years of age and holds a passport that is valid for a minimum of 6 months after the proposed date of return.

Check your eligibility

In addition to this, they should not have any dependent children, should have sufficient funds to support themselves and finally meet the character and health criteria of the country.  For the least expensive trip to Australia, book your tickets during the months of April, May, June and November. To get an additional benefit book your return ticket before you go, if you are not going to get a second Working Holiday Visa.

The salaries are pretty good for people working in the packaging industry. The list below will give you an idea of the same.

Fruit Picking – $16 to $22 per hour
Skilled Workers – $28 – $40 per hour
Administration workers – $15 – $22 per hour
Chef/Bartender – $20-$29 per hour

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