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Canada Immigration: Parents, grandparents prepare files now

Posted on October 14, 2015
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Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and residents wishing to relocate to Canada should prepare their applications now, as the popular parent and grandparent immigration stream will reopen in January 2016.

“The immensely popular Parent and Grandparent Program (PGP) is expected to reopen in January, 2016, with sponsors and candidates already preparing for what is expected to be a very short application intake period,” wrote the Citizenship and Immigration Canada  (CIC).

Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and residents are eligible for Canadian residency and perhaps, citizenship under the Parent and Grandparent Programme (PGP).

Although he programme reopens every year for new applications, the demand is much is higher than the supply and application caps are reached within weeks each year.

In 2015 the government of Canada accepted 5,000 completed applications, which were submitted in just a couple of days.

The year before the same application cap was reached within three weeks.

As the system operates on a first come, first serve basis, acting fast is key for sponsors as well as applicants.

The CIC recommends applicants prepare their file now, so it can be submitted as soon as the programme opens.

“The government has not indicated whether there will be any changes to the eligibility criteria of the 2016 programme.

“Given that last year’s allocation was snapped up within days and that many prospective sponsors and their families have been waiting with anticipation for the PGP to reopen, demand is likely to continue to outweigh supply if a similar cap on the programme is in place for the next application cycle.

“Therefore, sponsors and sponsored parties may be able to maximise their chances of submitting an application before the 2015 programme fills by preparing their documents in advance and having them ready to submit by January.”

Who can apply?

A Canadian resident or citizen can sponsor parent(s) and/or grandparent(s) when at least 18 years of age, complying to a minimum necessary income, able demonstrate these funds for the period of three years prior to application and promise to provide financial support for the sponsored relative for a period of three to 10 years, depending on his or her age and relationship to the sponsor.

The sponsor and the sponsored relative must sign a sponsorship agreement that commits the sponsor to provide financial support for the sponsored relative, if necessary.

This agreement also states that the person becoming a permanent resident will make every effort to support himself or herself.

Other options

Due to the high demand of family reunification, an alternative route was developed under the Supervisa Programme.

Under this programme, parents and grandparents of Canadian residents and citizens can apply for a visitor’s visa for up to two years, and renew this visa for a period of 10 years.

Meanwhile, opposition parties have been speculating about increasing the applications cap or removing it altogether in the wake of the upcoming elections taking place later this month.

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