Canada: Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry

In March 2015, the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration launched a new provincial immigration stream – Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry.

This stream was created in response to concerns that some highly-qualified individuals with work experience in Nova Scotia who applied under the federal Canadian Experience Class were not being drawn from the federal Express Entry pool as they did not have either a provincial nomination or a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to support a job offer.

This new provincial stream will allow applicants who are currently working in Nova Scotia on an LMIA-exempt Work Permit or who have worked in Nova Scotia in the past to apply for permanent residence.

The eligibility criteria for this stream are that the applicant:

  • Must be between the ages of 21 and 55;
  • Must have at least 12 months of full time (or an equivalent amount in part-time) skilled work experience in Nova Scotia in the 3 years before applying;
  • Must have at least a high school education as demonstrated by an Educational Credential Assessment;
  • Must demonstrate English or French language skills through a recognized language test; and
  • Must demonstrate a commitment to live in Nova Scotia permanently.

Note that qualifying work experience cannot be gained through unpaid internships, co-op placements or volunteer work. It must be paid work experience.

As this program targets skilled immigrants, the work experience must be in an occupation that is classified under the National Occupation Classification (“NOC”) matrix as NOC O, A or B. Work experience in low-skilled jobs classified as either NOC C or D will not qualify.

This new stream will not require an employer’s involvement at any stage of the process. No recruitment or advertising is required and there are no financial requirements. This is an exciting development.

The Office of Immigration is only accepting 750 applications under this stream. If you or someone you know qualifies for the Nova Scotia Experience: Express Entry stream, now is the time to prepare and submit your application.

As always, our immigration team here at Cox & Palmer is ready, willing and able to provide advice on whether you qualify under this new stream and to assist in making an application for permanent residence.;

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