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IELTS speaking section-5 tips to score high

Posted on August 24, 2020
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IELTS speaking section-5 tips to score high

An important part of the IELTS test is the speaking section where your speaking skills are assessed.  You can improve your speaking skills and score well in this section only through regular practice which will improve your confidence and help you do well. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the speaking section of the IELTS exam.

Avoid memorizing the answers

Don’t memorize answers, this doesn’t offer an objective indicator of the English language skills to the interviewer. If you have memorized the responses, the instructor will be able to tell you, and this will impact the final band score.

Avoid using unfamiliar vocabulary

In your Speaking Test you may want to impress the interviewer with large and complex phrases. But avoid using words that you’re not familiar with, to be safe. There is a greater risk of making errors by either pronouncing words wrongly or using them in the wrong way. Mistakes will affect your final score for the band.

 Use only words which is relevant to the subject being discussed.

Practice using grammatical structures

Seek to use a variety of grammatical constructs to express what you want to say, using complex to basic sentences. Know your own mistakes and practice speaking English to mates, or record yourself and see if you can find any mistakes. When you’re making a mistake make sure you’re correcting yourself. You are evaluated on your ability to accurately use various grammatical structures, so it is important to practice.

Use phrases and fillers

There’s no point taking a short break to consider what to say. We just do it for questions to be answered. Phrases can be used to allow you time to think during the Speaking Test.

Confidently speak and avoid using the words fillers. We usually use fillers when we don’t know what to say, but this tells the interviewer that you do not have the vocabulary or ideas, so you need to avoid using them.

Do not speak in monotone

Often, we create a flat sound, a monotone, with little variation when we talk. That makes it harder to articulate what you’re thinking and makes it harder for the listener to recognize which parts of your message are relevant. It can make your conversation more engaging by putting emphasis on certain words and pausing at intervals during your speech.

Make the most of your time at home during the extended lockdown, increase your score with live classes for IELTS from Y-Axis. Stay home and prepare.

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