KOLKATA: Executives from India and China are the most interested in the world to seek jobs abroad even if they do not get a pay increase, according to a latest study.
The study conducted by Ma Foi Randstad, as part of its global Workmonitor Survey, reveals India has the highest mobility index. And this is consistent for the last eight quarters, which suggest that there is no slowing down of job mobility intent in the Indian subcontinent despite volatility in the global economy.
This is in sharp contrast to the global trend where employees are not that keen to move abroad for a job, even if it is a better suited job — less than a third of the respondents worldwide would do so. Interestingly, the mobility index is least in Luxembourg, along with countries like Germany, Italy, Denmark, Japan and Switzerland.
The study found out that 39% of employees with low education level would move abroad just for a better suited job that doesn’t accompany a pay hike. However, a significantly larger proportion of employees with higher education level (60%), are willing to move abroad for a better suited job, even if the salary remains the same. And men professionals are more expected to go abroad for work that promises higher pay as compared to women.
The Ma Foi Randstad study also reveal Indian professionals are more inclined towards promotion-oriented performance than doing something different. The preference for moving into a higher position based on existing experience is higher than to venture into a role that is different from their existing role, says the study.
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