Gujarat Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) prime ministerial aspirant Narendra Modi on Friday said though Indian doctors are doing well across the world, there is a need for skilled workers in the healthcare sector in the country.
“Doctors from India are doing a good job across the world. Can’t India connect to the world through healthcare? We get patients from across the world, and there is a serious need for skilled workers in the healthcare sector, to connect with the people across the world,” he said at the inauguration of Dinanath Mangeshkar super specialty hospital here today.
Legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar, who was present at the event, said that she wished to see Modi as the Prime Minister.
“I pray to God that Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India. This is what everyone wants,” she said
Dinanath Mangeshkar super specialty hospital has been built in memory of Lata Mangeshkar’s late father.
Lata Mangeshkar’s sister and veteran playback singer Asha Bhosle was also present at the event.
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There is serious need for skilled workers in healthcare sector in India: Modi
Posted on November 6, 2013