Survey launched to find out what people want from migration in Australia

People from around the world are being asked their thoughts on the future of the immigration and visa programmes in Australia.

Every year the Department of Immigration and Border Control (DIBP) sets a migration programme to best support Australia’s economic and social goals.

This year, to help set the 2015/2016 programme, it has launched a discussion paper on its website to provide a broad starting point for thinking about the best settings for migration levels next year.

At the end of the discussion paper, there’s a survey that gives participants the chance to tell the DIBP what they think is the optimal size and composition of the permanent migration programme.

This discussion paper canvasses the economic and social factors that will be taken into account in setting the migration programme.

‘The survey is intended to draw out views on the optimal size and composition of the permanent migration programme. All responses will be confidential,’ said a DIBP spokesman. The survey closes on 05 December 2014.

The discussion paper says that Australia has a dynamic and growing economy where skills are still needed, where employment is forecasted to grow in most industries, and where unemployment is predicted to remain fairly static.

It also says that Australia has a social framework that is global and inclusive, and increasing numbers of temporary migrants are making informed decisions that Australia is where they would like to live.

‘The department is aware of the increasing global competitiveness in attracting and retaining highly skilled migrants from overseas and the need for a clearer, deregulated skilled migration visa framework that will help shape and define Australia’s economic future,’ the paper explains.

‘In planning the size, balance and composition of the 2015/2016 Migration Programme, the department will need to be informed by careful consideration of these factors and trends as well as the views of the public to ensure the programme delivers on what it is intended to, that is, responding to Australia’s longer term economic and social needs,’ it concludes.

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