What are the most preferred courses among Indian students in Japan?
About 40% of Indian students are studying engineering. The University of Tokyo accepts the largest number (42 students) of Indian students in Japan. Out of those 42 Indian students, 26 are pursuing courses in engineering.
How can one qualify for admission to a Japanese university?
Each university conducts its own entrance examination. Some universities utilise EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students) as their entrance examinations. EJU is conducted in Delhi twice a year (June and November). Some Global 30 universities (13 core Japanese universities selected and supported by the Government of Japan) also conduct their selection processes in India.
What are the scholarship programmes for Indian students?
The Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships are provided to Indian students. There are mainly seven programmes. All programmes are full scholarships.
Research students (postgraduate, possible to obtain master’s or PhD)
Undergraduate Students (bachelor’s degree)
College of Technology Students (associate degree (diploma)
Specialised Training College Students (certificate)
Japanese Studies Students (certificate)
Teacher Training Students (certificate)
Young Leaders’ Programme (master’s degree)
Japan Student Services Organisation also provides scholarships of 48,000 JPY (approx US$500) a month. Local governments and private organisations provide scholarships, which may vary.
How does one apply for student visa? What is the visa policy for students and how flexible is it?
Before applying for a visa, students intending to study in Japan or their proxies will apply for the Certificate of Eligibility for a Status of Residence and have it issued to them at the Regional Immigration Bureaus in Japan. With this Certificate of Eligibility in hand, students will then personally apply for a visa at the Japanese Embassy. Students can apply for a visa without Certificate of Eligibility. But the time required to process this visa application will take longer in this case. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students are not required to obtain the Certificate of Eligibility before applying for a visa.
Do Indian students get travel and medical insurance?
In Japan, a medical insurance system is available to reduce the burden on medical cost. Foreigners who will be staying in Japan for a period of more than one year have to subscribe to the National Health Insurance. The insurance premium has to be paid monthly once registration is completed. However, in most cases, the premium is about 20,000 JPY per year. Once registered with the National Health Insurance, you will only need to pay 30% of the total medical bill.
Gauri Kohli,
September 03, 2013
‘There are many scholarships for Indians’
Posted on September 6, 2013