Many aspiring advertising and marketing executives don’t take a straightforward route into the industry, having undertaken degrees in subjects outside marketing before landing their first jobs. So it can often be difficult to work out which is the best university to choose in order to eventually land the dream role.
Now LinkedIn has compiled a ranking of the top 25 UK universities for marketing. But it is not based on degree performance. Instead it cross-references members’ career paths.
It first looked at marketing executive moves and identified the top companies that attracted more candidates than anyone else. LinkedIn also looked at companies that were better at retaining their staff once hired. Then it looked at where those marketers went to college. And finally, for each school, it found the percentage of alumni who landed marketing jobs at those top companies to come up with its rankings.
The upshot is that the ranking measures the schools that are the best at sending graduates to the most-desired companies for marketing execs. (You can read more on LinkedIn’s methodology here.)
Below are the LinkedIn’s top 25 best universities in the United Kingdom for the marketing profession and the top companies their alumni have gone on to work at.
1. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
2. Aston University
3. University of Bath
4. University of Surrey
5. Durham University
6. King’s College London
7. University of Warwick
8. University of Oxford
9. University College London
10. University of Nottingha
11. The University of Bristol
12. The University of Manchester
13. University of Cambridge
14. Loughborough University
15. Bournemouth University
16. University of Westminster
17. University of Birmingham
18. University of Exeter
19. Northumbria University
20. Lancaster University
21. University of Leeds
22. Newcastle University
23. The University of Sheffield
24. Oxford Brookes University
25. Middlesex University
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