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U.S GOVERNMENT: Implement The U.S Startup Visa Act

Posted on March 5, 2012
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Why This Is Important

Startup Visa ActThe U.S Government with its immigration policies is making it difficult for immigrants to startup in America a.k.a the land of opportunities a.k.a land of immigrants. The Startup Visa Act allows foreign entrepreneurs to migrate to U.S and startup.

This is ironic, as it is the immigrants and their startups that have created majority of the jobs in U.S in the last 2 decades, made it the innovation hub that it is today. The situation reminds one of the woodcutter who was trying to cut the branch that he was sitting on!

There are a bunch of Venture Capitalists, Entrepreneurs, startup enthusiasts, students, well-wishers of economic and social growth and  many more with common sense supporting it. Here’s the link to the movement – However, not all are being vocal about it and they are all leaving the job of speaking out to ‘someone else’.

In true startup spirit, lets just do it! Lets speak about the Startup Visa Act and support it, out and open!

Unlike a lot of petitions that are high on emotional content or has a “social” angle, this one may seem a bit more materialistic and capitalistic. But in our quest to develop lets not forget to be developing continually and sustain lest you want an emotional petition of unemployed citizens to be hovering on your digital space sooner or later.

“You can have hunger strikes, candle-light marches and protests after the problem hits the ceiling (Wall Street for example) or be a part of its solution when you can be.”

I for one would prefer to offer jobs to a hundred men than lead them in a protest of two hundred unemployed.

Let’s support the U.S Startup Visa Act for the spirit of entrepreneurship. Let the Mecca of entrepreneurship remain so! Remember – More Startups, More Jobs.

Uday Krishna

Feb 2012

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